The Self, Part 23: Self-esteem: do you worry about what others think of you?

Frank Daley
Nov 25, 2021



This is Part 23 in a series of articles about the “self.”

Simon Fell

Do you worry about what others think?

Afraid to show yourself, your real self, because you think you’ll be rejected?

Never expressing an opinion? Hiding in the shadows?

The first thing to do is, Stop that right now!

Because you’d e surprised to know how little people think of you.

Not that they disparage you.

I mean they aren’t thinking of you; they’re thinking of themselves!

If you have low self-esteem the chances are you worry too much about what others think. You probably place too much value on other people’s opinions and overestimate how much they actually care. It’s natural to care to some extent what others think, and it’s okay, to a point. It’s exessive worry that’s the problem.



Frank Daley

Writer, author: fiction and nonfiction; educator; self-knowledge specialist