SELF-KNOWLEDGE: The Key to Your Best Life.

Frank Daley
4 min readApr 16, 2021
Sage-Kirk: Unsplash

This is a series on the Self, a series about you.

Here’s my premise.


If you don’t know yourself, three bad things will happen to you.

You won’t be in the right line of work.

You won’t be with the right person.

You won’t be happy.

The third thing happens because of the first two.


If you don’t love yourself, you won’t be able to love anyone else.

You can’t give away what you don’t have.

Even worse…

This will be your life until you die unless and until you get to know and love yourself.

You know this intuitively. I’m just reminding you.


You won’t be in the right line of work: that is to say, a career, or a job, or a series of jobs, because you will not know yourself well enough to be able to choose the best jobs for yourself based on your gifts, talents, and abilities.

You won’t know them.


But before you get to jobs or a career you have to get an education beyond high school.



Frank Daley

Writer, author: fiction and nonfiction; educator; self-knowledge specialist