Frank Daley
4 min readJan 6, 2022



Cover (mine) for a humorous book Amazon rejected because it was not written by a Dr.

Every morning we get “Breaking News” about the covid numbers.

It is not ‘Breaking News; it is a continuous update of old news.
Ignore it.

No one needs to get daily updates of every detail about covid in every state and province.

It is a mass of useless information and depressing.

The only reason it might be helpful is to promote the anti-vaccers to get jabbed.

And the only reason THAT would be helpful is that these idiots would no longer contaminate people.

Some of these morons have been in hospital hooked up to ventilators and survived. Now they get to feel virtuous, not stupid and selfish which they are.

They can now say, as many have, “I recommend people get it” as if they were wise authorities and influencers.

Some dopes said they ‘researched’ Covid and decided it was a hoax. Their research consisted of going on Google or Facebook. But since they have IQs less than room temperature, they believed the rot they read.


Religion is an invalid reason to avoid vaccination.

An RC bishop in NYC was on CNN some weeks ago.



Frank Daley

Writer, author: fiction and nonfiction; educator; self-knowledge specialist